Notice (8): Undefined variable: settings [APP/views/layouts/default.ctp, line 6]
Missing Controller

Missing Controller

Error: RobotsController could not be found.

Error: Create the class RobotsController below in file: app/controllers/robots_controller.php

class RobotsController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Robots';

Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/views/errors/missing_controller.ctp

Controller dump:

                CakeErrorController Object
    [name] => CakeError
    [uses] => Array
            [0] => Setting
            [1] => Intro

    [components] => Array
            [0] => Auth
            [1] => Session
            [2] => RequestHandler
            [3] => Cookie
            [4] => Shop

    [helpers] => Array
            [0] => Html
            [1] => Form
            [2] => Javascript
            [3] => Ajax
            [4] => Text

    [catId] => 
    [pdId] => 
    [sid] => 
    [here] => 
    [webroot] => /
    [action] => 
    [params] => Array
            [plugin] => 
            [controller] => robots
            [action] => index
            [pass] => Array

            [named] => Array

            [language] => eng
            [url] => Array
                    [ext] => html
                    [url] => eng/robots/index

            [form] => Array

            [models] => Array
                    [0] => Setting
                    [1] => Intro


    [data] => Array

    [paginate] => Array
            [limit] => 20
            [page] => 1

    [viewPath] => errors
    [layoutPath] => 
    [viewVars] => Array
            [controller] => RobotsController
            [controllerName] => Robots
            [cakeDebug] => CakeErrorController Object

    [pageTitle] => Missing Controller
    [modelNames] => Array
            [0] => Setting
            [1] => Intro

    [base] => 
    [layout] => default
    [autoRender] => 
    [autoLayout] => 1
    [Component] => Component Object
            [__controllerVars] => Array
                    [plugin] => 
                    [name] => CakeError
                    [base] => 

            [_loaded] => Array
                    [Session] => SessionComponent Object
                            [__active] => 1
                            [__started] => 
                            [__bare] => 0
                            [valid] => 
                            [error] => 
                            [_userAgent] => ad62b1a858278d281655217887f39b1c
                            [path] => /
                            [lastError] => 
                            [security] => medium
                            [time] => 1535536754
                            [sessionTime] => 1535548754
                            [watchKeys] => Array

                            [id] => 
                            [_log] => 
                            [host] =>
                            [enabled] => 1

                    [Auth] => AuthComponent Object
                            [_loggedIn] => 
                            [components] => Array
                                    [0] => Session
                                    [1] => RequestHandler

                            [authenticate] => 
                            [authorize] => 
                            [ajaxLogin] => 
                            [userModel] => User
                            [userScope] => Array

                            [fields] => Array
                                    [username] => username
                                    [password] => password

                            [sessionKey] => 
                            [actionPath] => 
                            [loginAction] => 
                            [loginRedirect] => 
                            [logoutRedirect] => 
                            [object] => 
                            [loginError] => 
                            [authError] => 
                            [autoRedirect] => 1
                            [allowedActions] => Array

                            [actionMap] => Array
                                    [index] => read
                                    [add] => create
                                    [edit] => update
                                    [view] => read
                                    [remove] => delete
                                    [create] => create
                                    [read] => read
                                    [update] => update
                                    [delete] => delete
                                    [admin_index] => read
                                    [admin_add] => create
                                    [admin_edit] => update
                                    [admin_view] => read
                                    [admin_remove] => delete
                                    [admin_create] => create
                                    [admin_read] => read
                                    [admin_update] => update
                                    [admin_delete] => delete

                            [data] => Array

                            [params] => Array
                                    [plugin] => 
                                    [controller] => robots
                                    [action] => index
                                    [pass] => Array

                                    [named] => Array

                                    [language] => eng
                                    [url] => Array
                                            [ext] => html
                                            [url] => eng/robots/index

                                    [form] => Array


                            [_methods] => Array
                                    [3] => parseurl
                                    [4] => findprev
                                    [5] => findnext
                                    [6] => findprevyear
                                    [7] => findnextyear
                                    [8] => getmission
                                    [9] => setpagetitle
                                    [10] => _setlanguage
                                    [11] => _getlanguage
                                    [12] => _setlocale
                                    [13] => _getintro

                            [_log] => 
                            [enabled] => 1
                            [Session] => SessionComponent Object
                                    [__active] => 1
                                    [__started] => 
                                    [__bare] => 0
                                    [valid] => 
                                    [error] => 
                                    [_userAgent] => ad62b1a858278d281655217887f39b1c
                                    [path] => /
                                    [lastError] => 
                                    [security] => medium
                                    [time] => 1535536754
                                    [sessionTime] => 1535548754
                                    [watchKeys] => Array

                                    [id] => 
                                    [_log] => 
                                    [host] =>
                                    [enabled] => 1

                            [RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
                                    [ajaxLayout] => ajax
                                    [enabled] => 1
                                    [__responseTypeSet] => 
                                    [params] => Array

                                    [__requestContent] => Array
                                            [javascript] => text/javascript
                                            [js] => text/javascript
                                            [json] => application/json
                                            [css] => text/css
                                            [html] => Array
                                                    [0] => text/html
                                                    [1] => */*

                                            [text] => text/plain
                                            [txt] => text/plain
                                            [csv] => Array
                                                    [0] => application/
                                                    [1] => text/plain

                                            [form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
                                            [file] => multipart/form-data
                                            [xhtml] => Array
                                                    [0] => application/xhtml+xml
                                                    [1] => application/xhtml
                                                    [2] => text/xhtml

                                            [xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
                                            [xml] => Array
                                                    [0] => application/xml
                                                    [1] => text/xml

                                            [rss] => application/rss+xml
                                            [atom] => application/atom+xml
                                            [amf] => application/x-amf
                                            [wap] => Array
                                                    [0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
                                                    [1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
                                                    [2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp

                                            [wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
                                            [wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
                                            [wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
                                            [pdf] => application/pdf
                                            [zip] => application/x-zip
                                            [tar] => application/x-tar

                                    [__acceptTypes] => Array
                                            [0] => text/html
                                            [1] => application/xhtml+xml
                                            [2] => application/xml
                                            [3] => */*

                                    [__renderType] => 
                                    [ext] => html
                                    [__typesInitialized] => 
                                    [_log] => 


                    [RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
                            [ajaxLayout] => ajax
                            [enabled] => 1
                            [__responseTypeSet] => 
                            [params] => Array

                            [__requestContent] => Array
                                    [javascript] => text/javascript
                                    [js] => text/javascript
                                    [json] => application/json
                                    [css] => text/css
                                    [html] => Array
                                            [0] => text/html
                                            [1] => */*

                                    [text] => text/plain
                                    [txt] => text/plain
                                    [csv] => Array
                                            [0] => application/
                                            [1] => text/plain

                                    [form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
                                    [file] => multipart/form-data
                                    [xhtml] => Array
                                            [0] => application/xhtml+xml
                                            [1] => application/xhtml
                                            [2] => text/xhtml

                                    [xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
                                    [xml] => Array
                                            [0] => application/xml
                                            [1] => text/xml

                                    [rss] => application/rss+xml
                                    [atom] => application/atom+xml
                                    [amf] => application/x-amf
                                    [wap] => Array
                                            [0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
                                            [1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
                                            [2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp

                                    [wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
                                    [wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
                                    [wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
                                    [pdf] => application/pdf
                                    [zip] => application/x-zip
                                    [tar] => application/x-tar

                            [__acceptTypes] => Array
                                    [0] => text/html
                                    [1] => application/xhtml+xml
                                    [2] => application/xml
                                    [3] => */*

                            [__renderType] => 
                            [ext] => html
                            [__typesInitialized] => 
                            [_log] => 

                    [Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
                            [name] => CakeCookie
                            [time] => 
                            [path] => /
                            [domain] => 
                            [secure] => 
                            [key] => DYhG93b0qyJfIxfs2guVoUubWwvniR2G0FgaC9micommerceslusite
                            [__values] => Array

                            [__type] => cipher
                            [__reset] => 
                            [__expires] => 0
                            [_log] => 
                            [enabled] => 1

                    [Shop] => ShopComponent Object
                            [controller] => 
                            [components] => Array
                                    [0] => Session

                            [_log] => 
                            [enabled] => 1
                            [Session] => SessionComponent Object
                                    [__active] => 1
                                    [__started] => 
                                    [__bare] => 0
                                    [valid] => 
                                    [error] => 
                                    [_userAgent] => ad62b1a858278d281655217887f39b1c
                                    [path] => /
                                    [lastError] => 
                                    [security] => medium
                                    [time] => 1535536754
                                    [sessionTime] => 1535548754
                                    [watchKeys] => Array

                                    [id] => 
                                    [_log] => 
                                    [host] =>
                                    [enabled] => 1



            [_primary] => Array
                    [0] => Session
                    [1] => Auth
                    [2] => RequestHandler
                    [3] => Cookie
                    [4] => Shop

            [__settings] => Array

            [_log] => 

    [view] => View
    [ext] => .ctp
    [output] => 
    [plugin] => 
    [cacheAction] => 
    [persistModel] => 
    [passedArgs] => Array

    [scaffold] => 
    [methods] => Array
            [3] => parseurl
            [4] => findprev
            [5] => findnext
            [6] => findprevyear
            [7] => findnextyear
            [8] => getmission
            [9] => setpagetitle
            [10] => _setlanguage
            [11] => _getlanguage
            [12] => _setlocale
            [13] => _getintro

    [modelClass] => Setting
    [modelKey] => cake_error
    [validationErrors] => 
    [_log] => 
    [Session] => SessionComponent Object
            [__active] => 1
            [__started] => 
            [__bare] => 0
            [valid] => 
            [error] => 
            [_userAgent] => ad62b1a858278d281655217887f39b1c
            [path] => /
            [lastError] => 
            [security] => medium
            [time] => 1535536754
            [sessionTime] => 1535548754
            [watchKeys] => Array

            [id] => 
            [_log] => 
            [host] =>
            [enabled] => 1

    [Auth] => AuthComponent Object
            [_loggedIn] => 
            [components] => Array
                    [0] => Session
                    [1] => RequestHandler

            [authenticate] => 
            [authorize] => 
            [ajaxLogin] => 
            [userModel] => User
            [userScope] => Array

            [fields] => Array
                    [username] => username
                    [password] => password

            [sessionKey] => 
            [actionPath] => 
            [loginAction] => 
            [loginRedirect] => 
            [logoutRedirect] => 
            [object] => 
            [loginError] => 
            [authError] => 
            [autoRedirect] => 1
            [allowedActions] => Array

            [actionMap] => Array
                    [index] => read
                    [add] => create
                    [edit] => update
                    [view] => read
                    [remove] => delete
                    [create] => create
                    [read] => read
                    [update] => update
                    [delete] => delete
                    [admin_index] => read
                    [admin_add] => create
                    [admin_edit] => update
                    [admin_view] => read
                    [admin_remove] => delete
                    [admin_create] => create
                    [admin_read] => read
                    [admin_update] => update
                    [admin_delete] => delete

            [data] => Array

            [params] => Array
                    [plugin] => 
                    [controller] => robots
                    [action] => index
                    [pass] => Array

                    [named] => Array

                    [language] => eng
                    [url] => Array
                            [ext] => html
                            [url] => eng/robots/index

                    [form] => Array


            [_methods] => Array
                    [3] => parseurl
                    [4] => findprev
                    [5] => findnext
                    [6] => findprevyear
                    [7] => findnextyear
                    [8] => getmission
                    [9] => setpagetitle
                    [10] => _setlanguage
                    [11] => _getlanguage
                    [12] => _setlocale
                    [13] => _getintro

            [_log] => 
            [enabled] => 1
            [Session] => SessionComponent Object
                    [__active] => 1
                    [__started] => 
                    [__bare] => 0
                    [valid] => 
                    [error] => 
                    [_userAgent] => ad62b1a858278d281655217887f39b1c
                    [path] => /
                    [lastError] => 
                    [security] => medium
                    [time] => 1535536754
                    [sessionTime] => 1535548754
                    [watchKeys] => Array

                    [id] => 
                    [_log] => 
                    [host] =>
                    [enabled] => 1

            [RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
                    [ajaxLayout] => ajax
                    [enabled] => 1
                    [__responseTypeSet] => 
                    [params] => Array

                    [__requestContent] => Array
                            [javascript] => text/javascript
                            [js] => text/javascript
                            [json] => application/json
                            [css] => text/css
                            [html] => Array
                                    [0] => text/html
                                    [1] => */*

                            [text] => text/plain
                            [txt] => text/plain
                            [csv] => Array
                                    [0] => application/
                                    [1] => text/plain

                            [form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
                            [file] => multipart/form-data
                            [xhtml] => Array
                                    [0] => application/xhtml+xml
                                    [1] => application/xhtml
                                    [2] => text/xhtml

                            [xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
                            [xml] => Array
                                    [0] => application/xml
                                    [1] => text/xml

                            [rss] => application/rss+xml
                            [atom] => application/atom+xml
                            [amf] => application/x-amf
                            [wap] => Array
                                    [0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
                                    [1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
                                    [2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp

                            [wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
                            [wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
                            [wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
                            [pdf] => application/pdf
                            [zip] => application/x-zip
                            [tar] => application/x-tar

                    [__acceptTypes] => Array
                            [0] => text/html
                            [1] => application/xhtml+xml
                            [2] => application/xml
                            [3] => */*

                    [__renderType] => 
                    [ext] => html
                    [__typesInitialized] => 
                    [_log] => 


    [RequestHandler] => RequestHandlerComponent Object
            [ajaxLayout] => ajax
            [enabled] => 1
            [__responseTypeSet] => 
            [params] => Array

            [__requestContent] => Array
                    [javascript] => text/javascript
                    [js] => text/javascript
                    [json] => application/json
                    [css] => text/css
                    [html] => Array
                            [0] => text/html
                            [1] => */*

                    [text] => text/plain
                    [txt] => text/plain
                    [csv] => Array
                            [0] => application/
                            [1] => text/plain

                    [form] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
                    [file] => multipart/form-data
                    [xhtml] => Array
                            [0] => application/xhtml+xml
                            [1] => application/xhtml
                            [2] => text/xhtml

                    [xhtml-mobile] => application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
                    [xml] => Array
                            [0] => application/xml
                            [1] => text/xml

                    [rss] => application/rss+xml
                    [atom] => application/atom+xml
                    [amf] => application/x-amf
                    [wap] => Array
                            [0] => text/vnd.wap.wml
                            [1] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
                            [2] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp

                    [wml] => text/vnd.wap.wml
                    [wmlscript] => text/vnd.wap.wmlscript
                    [wbmp] => image/vnd.wap.wbmp
                    [pdf] => application/pdf
                    [zip] => application/x-zip
                    [tar] => application/x-tar

            [__acceptTypes] => Array
                    [0] => text/html
                    [1] => application/xhtml+xml
                    [2] => application/xml
                    [3] => */*

            [__renderType] => 
            [ext] => html
            [__typesInitialized] => 
            [_log] => 

    [Cookie] => CookieComponent Object
            [name] => CakeCookie
            [time] => 
            [path] => /
            [domain] => 
            [secure] => 
            [key] => DYhG93b0qyJfIxfs2guVoUubWwvniR2G0FgaC9micommerceslusite
            [__values] => Array

            [__type] => cipher
            [__reset] => 
            [__expires] => 0
            [_log] => 
            [enabled] => 1

    [Shop] => ShopComponent Object
            [controller] => 
            [components] => Array
                    [0] => Session

            [_log] => 
            [enabled] => 1
            [Session] => SessionComponent Object
                    [__active] => 1
                    [__started] => 
                    [__bare] => 0
                    [valid] => 
                    [error] => 
                    [_userAgent] => ad62b1a858278d281655217887f39b1c
                    [path] => /
                    [lastError] => 
                    [security] => medium
                    [time] => 1535536754
                    [sessionTime] => 1535548754
                    [watchKeys] => Array

                    [id] => 
                    [_log] => 
                    [host] =>
                    [enabled] => 1


    [Setting] => Setting Object
            [name] => Setting
            [useDbConfig] => default
            [useTable] => settings
            [displayField] => id
            [id] => 
            [data] => Array

            [table] => settings
            [primaryKey] => id
            [_schema] => Array
                    [id] => Array
                            [type] => integer
                            [null] => 
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 4
                            [key] => primary

                    [website_name] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [website_url] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [logo_path] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [contact_form_email] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [orders_email] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [front_end_pagination_limit] => Array
                            [type] => integer
                            [null] => 
                            [default] => 5
                            [length] => 2

                    [back_end_pagination_limit] => Array
                            [type] => integer
                            [null] => 
                            [default] => 10
                            [length] => 2

                    [phone_1] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 15

                    [phone_2] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 15

                    [mobile] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 15

                    [fax] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 15

                    [email_address_1] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [email_address_2] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [address_line_1] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [address_line_2] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [city] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [state_province] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [country] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [business_hours] => Array
                            [type] => text
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 

                    [zip_postal_code] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [region] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [copyright] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 55


            [validate] => Array

            [validationErrors] => Array

            [tablePrefix] => 
            [alias] => Setting
            [tableToModel] => Array
                    [settings] => Setting

            [logTransactions] => 
            [transactional] => 
            [cacheQueries] => 
            [belongsTo] => Array

            [hasOne] => Array

            [hasMany] => Array

            [hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array

            [actsAs] => 
            [Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
                    [modelName] => Setting
                    [_attached] => Array

                    [_disabled] => Array

                    [__methods] => Array

                    [__mappedMethods] => Array

                    [_log] => 

            [whitelist] => Array

            [cacheSources] => 1
            [findQueryType] => 
            [recursive] => 1
            [order] => 
            [__exists] => 
            [__associationKeys] => Array
                    [belongsTo] => Array
                            [0] => className
                            [1] => foreignKey
                            [2] => conditions
                            [3] => fields
                            [4] => order
                            [5] => counterCache

                    [hasOne] => Array
                            [0] => className
                            [1] => foreignKey
                            [2] => conditions
                            [3] => fields
                            [4] => order
                            [5] => dependent

                    [hasMany] => Array
                            [0] => className
                            [1] => foreignKey
                            [2] => conditions
                            [3] => fields
                            [4] => order
                            [5] => limit
                            [6] => offset
                            [7] => dependent
                            [8] => exclusive
                            [9] => finderQuery
                            [10] => counterQuery

                    [hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
                            [0] => className
                            [1] => joinTable
                            [2] => with
                            [3] => foreignKey
                            [4] => associationForeignKey
                            [5] => conditions
                            [6] => fields
                            [7] => order
                            [8] => limit
                            [9] => offset
                            [10] => unique
                            [11] => finderQuery
                            [12] => deleteQuery
                            [13] => insertQuery


            [__associations] => Array
                    [0] => belongsTo
                    [1] => hasOne
                    [2] => hasMany
                    [3] => hasAndBelongsToMany

            [__backAssociation] => Array

            [__insertID] => 
            [__numRows] => 
            [__affectedRows] => 
            [_findMethods] => Array
                    [all] => 1
                    [first] => 1
                    [count] => 1
                    [neighbors] => 1
                    [list] => 1
                    [threaded] => 1

            [_log] => 

    [Intro] => Intro Object
            [name] => Intro
            [actsAs] => Array
                    [Translate] => Array
                            [0] => title
                            [1] => body


            [validate] => Array
                    [title] => Array
                            [0] => /.+/
                            [1] => Array
                                    [rule] => isUnique
                                    [message] => This title has already been taken.


                    [model] => Array
                            [0] => /.+/

                    [model_display_title] => Array
                            [0] => /.+/


            [useDbConfig] => default
            [useTable] => intros
            [displayField] => title
            [id] => 
            [data] => Array

            [table] => intros
            [primaryKey] => id
            [_schema] => Array
                    [id] => Array
                            [type] => integer
                            [null] => 
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 11
                            [key] => primary

                    [title] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [body] => Array
                            [type] => text
                            [null] => 1
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 

                    [model] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255

                    [model_display_title] => Array
                            [type] => string
                            [null] => 
                            [default] => 
                            [length] => 255


            [validationErrors] => Array

            [tablePrefix] => 
            [alias] => Intro
            [tableToModel] => Array
                    [intros] => Intro

            [logTransactions] => 
            [transactional] => 
            [cacheQueries] => 
            [belongsTo] => Array

            [hasOne] => Array

            [hasMany] => Array

            [hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array

            [Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
                    [modelName] => Intro
                    [_attached] => Array
                            [0] => Translate

                    [_disabled] => Array

                    [__methods] => Array
                            [translateModel] => Array
                                    [0] => translateModel
                                    [1] => Translate

                            [bindTranslation] => Array
                                    [0] => bindTranslation
                                    [1] => Translate

                            [unbindTranslation] => Array
                                    [0] => unbindTranslation
                                    [1] => Translate


                    [__mappedMethods] => Array

                    [_log] => 
                    [Translate] => TranslateBehavior Object
                            [runtime] => Array
                                    [Intro] => Array
                                            [fields] => Array

                                            [model] => I18nModel Object
                                                    [name] => I18nModel
                                                    [useTable] => i18n
                                                    [displayField] => field
                                                    [useDbConfig] => default
                                                    [id] => 
                                                    [data] => Array

                                                    [table] => i18n
                                                    [primaryKey] => id
                                                    [_schema] => Array
                                                            [id] => Array
                                                                    [type] => integer
                                                                    [null] => 
                                                                    [default] => 
                                                                    [length] => 10
                                                                    [key] => primary

                                                            [locale] => Array
                                                                    [type] => string
                                                                    [null] => 
                                                                    [default] => 
                                                                    [length] => 6
                                                                    [key] => index

                                                            [model] => Array
                                                                    [type] => string
                                                                    [null] => 
                                                                    [default] => 
                                                                    [length] => 255
                                                                    [key] => index

                                                            [foreign_key] => Array
                                                                    [type] => integer
                                                                    [null] => 
                                                                    [default] => 
                                                                    [length] => 10
                                                                    [key] => index

                                                            [field] => Array
                                                                    [type] => string
                                                                    [null] => 
                                                                    [default] => 
                                                                    [length] => 255
                                                                    [key] => index

                                                            [content] => Array
                                                                    [type] => text
                                                                    [null] => 1
                                                                    [default] => 
                                                                    [length] => 


                                                    [validate] => Array

                                                    [validationErrors] => Array

                                                    [tablePrefix] => 
                                                    [alias] => I18nModel
                                                    [tableToModel] => Array
                                                            [i18n] => I18nModel

                                                    [logTransactions] => 
                                                    [transactional] => 
                                                    [cacheQueries] => 
                                                    [belongsTo] => Array

                                                    [hasOne] => Array

                                                    [hasMany] => Array

                                                    [hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array

                                                    [actsAs] => 
                                                    [Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
                                                            [modelName] => I18nModel
                                                            [_attached] => Array

                                                            [_disabled] => Array

                                                            [__methods] => Array

                                                            [__mappedMethods] => Array

                                                            [_log] => 

                                                    [whitelist] => Array

                                                    [cacheSources] => 1
                                                    [findQueryType] => 
                                                    [recursive] => 1
                                                    [order] => 
                                                    [__exists] => 
                                                    [__associationKeys] => Array
                                                            [belongsTo] => Array
                                                                    [0] => className
                                                                    [1] => foreignKey
                                                                    [2] => conditions
                                                                    [3] => fields
                                                                    [4] => order
                                                                    [5] => counterCache

                                                            [hasOne] => Array
                                                                    [0] => className
                                                                    [1] => foreignKey
                                                                    [2] => conditions
                                                                    [3] => fields
                                                                    [4] => order
                                                                    [5] => dependent

                                                            [hasMany] => Array
                                                                    [0] => className
                                                                    [1] => foreignKey
                                                                    [2] => conditions
                                                                    [3] => fields
                                                                    [4] => order
                                                                    [5] => limit
                                                                    [6] => offset
                                                                    [7] => dependent
                                                                    [8] => exclusive
                                                                    [9] => finderQuery
                                                                    [10] => counterQuery

                                                            [hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
                                                                    [0] => className
                                                                    [1] => joinTable
                                                                    [2] => with
                                                                    [3] => foreignKey
                                                                    [4] => associationForeignKey
                                                                    [5] => conditions
                                                                    [6] => fields
                                                                    [7] => order
                                                                    [8] => limit
                                                                    [9] => offset
                                                                    [10] => unique
                                                                    [11] => finderQuery
                                                                    [12] => deleteQuery
                                                                    [13] => insertQuery


                                                    [__associations] => Array
                                                            [0] => belongsTo
                                                            [1] => hasOne
                                                            [2] => hasMany
                                                            [3] => hasAndBelongsToMany

                                                    [__backAssociation] => Array

                                                    [__insertID] => 
                                                    [__numRows] => 
                                                    [__affectedRows] => 
                                                    [_findMethods] => Array
                                                            [all] => 1
                                                            [first] => 1
                                                            [count] => 1
                                                            [neighbors] => 1
                                                            [list] => 1
                                                            [threaded] => 1

                                                    [_log] => 



                            [settings] => Array
                                    [Intro] => Array
                                            [0] => title
                                            [1] => body


                            [mapMethods] => Array

                            [_log] => 


            [whitelist] => Array

            [cacheSources] => 1
            [findQueryType] => 
            [recursive] => 1
            [order] => 
            [__exists] => 
            [__associationKeys] => Array
                    [belongsTo] => Array
                            [0] => className
                            [1] => foreignKey
                            [2] => conditions
                            [3] => fields
                            [4] => order
                            [5] => counterCache

                    [hasOne] => Array
                            [0] => className
                            [1] => foreignKey
                            [2] => conditions
                            [3] => fields
                            [4] => order
                            [5] => dependent

                    [hasMany] => Array
                            [0] => className
                            [1] => foreignKey
                            [2] => conditions
                            [3] => fields
                            [4] => order
                            [5] => limit
                            [6] => offset
                            [7] => dependent
                            [8] => exclusive
                            [9] => finderQuery
                            [10] => counterQuery

                    [hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
                            [0] => className
                            [1] => joinTable
                            [2] => with
                            [3] => foreignKey
                            [4] => associationForeignKey
                            [5] => conditions
                            [6] => fields
                            [7] => order
                            [8] => limit
                            [9] => offset
                            [10] => unique
                            [11] => finderQuery
                            [12] => deleteQuery
                            [13] => insertQuery


            [__associations] => Array
                    [0] => belongsTo
                    [1] => hasOne
                    [2] => hasMany
                    [3] => hasAndBelongsToMany

            [__backAssociation] => Array

            [__insertID] => 
            [__numRows] => 
            [__affectedRows] => 
            [_findMethods] => Array
                    [all] => 1
                    [first] => 1
                    [count] => 1
                    [neighbors] => 1
                    [list] => 1
                    [threaded] => 1

            [_log] => 

(default) 43 queries took 25 ms
Nr Query Error Affected Num. rows Took (ms)
1 DESCRIBE `settings` 23 23 1
2 DESCRIBE `intros` 5 5 1
3 DESCRIBE `i18n` 6 6 1
4 DESCRIBE `programmes` 12 12 1
5 DESCRIBE `programme_groups` 5 5 1
6 DESCRIBE `programme_sections` 7 7 1
7 DESCRIBE `section_photos` 9 9 1
8 DESCRIBE `programme_subsections` 7 7 1
9 DESCRIBE `subsection_photos` 9 9 1
10 DESCRIBE `resources` 13 13 1
11 DESCRIBE `resource_categories` 3 3 1
12 DESCRIBE `resource_resource_categories` 3 3 1
13 DESCRIBE `programme_sections_resources` 3 3 1
14 DESCRIBE `albums` 12 12 1
15 DESCRIBE `photos` 13 13 1
16 DESCRIBE `albums_programme_sections` 3 3 1
17 DESCRIBE `albums_programme_subsections` 3 3 1
18 DESCRIBE `albums_programmes` 3 3 0
19 DESCRIBE `programme_subsections_resources` 3 3 1
20 DESCRIBE `programmes_resources` 3 3 1
21 SELECT `Intro`.*, `I18n__title`.`content`, `I18n__body`.`content` FROM `intros` AS `Intro` LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Intro`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Intro' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__body` ON (`Intro`.`id` = `I18n__body`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__body`.`model` = 'Intro' AND `I18n__body`.`field` = 'body') WHERE `Intro`.`model` = 'Programme' AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__body`.`locale` = 'eng' LIMIT 1 0 0 0
22 SELECT `Setting`.`id`, `Setting`.`website_name`, `Setting`.`website_url`, `Setting`.`logo_path`, `Setting`.`contact_form_email`, `Setting`.`orders_email`, `Setting`.`front_end_pagination_limit`, `Setting`.`back_end_pagination_limit`, `Setting`.`phone_1`, `Setting`.`phone_2`, `Setting`.`mobile`, `Setting`.`fax`, `Setting`.`email_address_1`, `Setting`.`email_address_2`, `Setting`.`address_line_1`, `Setting`.`address_line_2`, `Setting`.`city`, `Setting`.`state_province`, `Setting`.`country`, `Setting`.`business_hours`, `Setting`.`zip_postal_code`, `Setting`.`region`, `Setting`.`copyright` FROM `settings` AS `Setting` WHERE `Setting`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 1 1 0
23 SELECT `Programme`.*, `ProgrammeGroup`.*, `I18n__title`.`content`, `I18n__sections_title`.`content`, `I18n__mission_statement`.`content`, `I18n__description`.`content`, `Programme`.`id` FROM `programmes` AS `Programme` LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Programme`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Programme' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__sections_title` ON (`Programme`.`id` = `I18n__sections_title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__sections_title`.`model` = 'Programme' AND `I18n__sections_title`.`field` = 'sections_title') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__mission_statement` ON (`Programme`.`id` = `I18n__mission_statement`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__mission_statement`.`model` = 'Programme' AND `I18n__mission_statement`.`field` = 'mission_statement') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__description` ON (`Programme`.`id` = `I18n__description`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__description`.`model` = 'Programme' AND `I18n__description`.`field` = 'description') LEFT JOIN `programme_groups` AS `ProgrammeGroup` ON (`Programme`.`programme_group_id` = `ProgrammeGroup`.`id`) WHERE `Programme`.`enabled` = 1 AND `Programme`.`programme_group_id` = 4 AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__sections_title`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__mission_statement`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__description`.`locale` = 'eng' 3 3 0
24 SELECT `ProgrammeSection`.`id`, `ProgrammeSection`.`programme_id`, `ProgrammeSection`.`title`, `ProgrammeSection`.`description`, `ProgrammeSection`.`additional_resources`, `ProgrammeSection`.`main_photo_id`, `ProgrammeSection`.`logo_path` FROM `programme_sections` AS `ProgrammeSection` WHERE `ProgrammeSection`.`programme_id` IN (58, 57, 56) 4 4 0
25 SELECT `Resource`.`id`, `Resource`.`description`, `Resource`.`title`, `Resource`.`resource_category_id`, `Resource`.`filepath`, `Resource`.`webpath`, `Resource`.`size`, `Resource`.`created`, `Resource`.`modified`, `Resource`.`dcount`, `Resource`.`filename`, `Resource`.`type`, `Resource`.`enabled`, `ProgrammesResource`.`id`, `ProgrammesResource`.`programme_id`, `ProgrammesResource`.`resource_id` FROM `resources` AS `Resource` JOIN `programmes_resources` AS `ProgrammesResource` ON (`ProgrammesResource`.`programme_id` IN (58, 57, 56) AND `ProgrammesResource`.`resource_id` = `Resource`.`id`) WHERE `Resource`.`enabled` = 1 2 2 0
26 SELECT `Album`.`id`, `Album`.`title`, `Album`.`web-title`, `Album`.`description`, `Album`.`parent_id`, `Album`.`lft`, `Album`.`rght`, `Album`.`main_photo_id`, `Album`.`copyright`, `Album`.`enabled`, `Album`.`created`, `Album`.`modified`, `AlbumsProgramme`.`id`, `AlbumsProgramme`.`album_id`, `AlbumsProgramme`.`programme_id` FROM `albums` AS `Album` JOIN `albums_programmes` AS `AlbumsProgramme` ON (`AlbumsProgramme`.`programme_id` IN (58, 57, 56) AND `AlbumsProgramme`.`album_id` = `Album`.`id`) WHERE `Album`.`enabled` = 1 1 1 0
27 SELECT `Intro`.*, `I18n__title`.`content`, `I18n__body`.`content` FROM `intros` AS `Intro` LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Intro`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Intro' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__body` ON (`Intro`.`id` = `I18n__body`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__body`.`model` = 'Intro' AND `I18n__body`.`field` = 'body') WHERE `Intro`.`model` = 'ProgrammeSection' AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__body`.`locale` = 'eng' LIMIT 1 0 0 3
28 SELECT `Setting`.`id`, `Setting`.`website_name`, `Setting`.`website_url`, `Setting`.`logo_path`, `Setting`.`contact_form_email`, `Setting`.`orders_email`, `Setting`.`front_end_pagination_limit`, `Setting`.`back_end_pagination_limit`, `Setting`.`phone_1`, `Setting`.`phone_2`, `Setting`.`mobile`, `Setting`.`fax`, `Setting`.`email_address_1`, `Setting`.`email_address_2`, `Setting`.`address_line_1`, `Setting`.`address_line_2`, `Setting`.`city`, `Setting`.`state_province`, `Setting`.`country`, `Setting`.`business_hours`, `Setting`.`zip_postal_code`, `Setting`.`region`, `Setting`.`copyright` FROM `settings` AS `Setting` WHERE `Setting`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 1 1 0
29 SELECT `ProgrammeSection`.*, `Programme`.*, `I18n__title`.`content`, `I18n__description`.`content`, `ProgrammeSection`.`id` FROM `programme_sections` AS `ProgrammeSection` LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__title` ON (`ProgrammeSection`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'ProgrammeSection' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__description` ON (`ProgrammeSection`.`id` = `I18n__description`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__description`.`model` = 'ProgrammeSection' AND `I18n__description`.`field` = 'description') LEFT JOIN `programmes` AS `Programme` ON (`ProgrammeSection`.`programme_id` = `Programme`.`id`) WHERE `ProgrammeSection`.`programme_id` = 49 AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__description`.`locale` = 'eng' 5 5 2
30 SELECT `SectionPhoto`.`id`, `SectionPhoto`.`title`, `SectionPhoto`.`description`, `SectionPhoto`.`path`, `SectionPhoto`.`programme_section_id`, `SectionPhoto`.`filename`, `SectionPhoto`.`webpath`, `SectionPhoto`.`size`, `SectionPhoto`.`created` FROM `section_photos` AS `SectionPhoto` WHERE `SectionPhoto`.`programme_section_id` IN (29, 28, 27, 25, 26) 0 0 0
31 SELECT `ProgrammeSubsection`.`id`, `ProgrammeSubsection`.`programme_section_id`, `ProgrammeSubsection`.`title`, `ProgrammeSubsection`.`description`, `ProgrammeSubsection`.`additional_resources`, `ProgrammeSubsection`.`main_photo_id`, `ProgrammeSubsection`.`logo_path` FROM `programme_subsections` AS `ProgrammeSubsection` WHERE `ProgrammeSubsection`.`programme_section_id` IN (29, 28, 27, 25, 26) 3 3 0
32 SELECT `Resource`.`id`, `Resource`.`description`, `Resource`.`title`, `Resource`.`resource_category_id`, `Resource`.`filepath`, `Resource`.`webpath`, `Resource`.`size`, `Resource`.`created`, `Resource`.`modified`, `Resource`.`dcount`, `Resource`.`filename`, `Resource`.`type`, `Resource`.`enabled`, `ProgrammeSectionsResource`.`id`, `ProgrammeSectionsResource`.`programme_section_id`, `ProgrammeSectionsResource`.`resource_id` FROM `resources` AS `Resource` JOIN `programme_sections_resources` AS `ProgrammeSectionsResource` ON (`ProgrammeSectionsResource`.`programme_section_id` IN (29, 28, 27, 25, 26) AND `ProgrammeSectionsResource`.`resource_id` = `Resource`.`id`) WHERE `Resource`.`enabled` = 1 2 2 0
33 SELECT `Album`.`id`, `Album`.`title`, `Album`.`web-title`, `Album`.`description`, `Album`.`parent_id`, `Album`.`lft`, `Album`.`rght`, `Album`.`main_photo_id`, `Album`.`copyright`, `Album`.`enabled`, `Album`.`created`, `Album`.`modified`, `AlbumsProgrammeSection`.`id`, `AlbumsProgrammeSection`.`album_id`, `AlbumsProgrammeSection`.`programme_section_id` FROM `albums` AS `Album` JOIN `albums_programme_sections` AS `AlbumsProgrammeSection` ON (`AlbumsProgrammeSection`.`programme_section_id` IN (29, 28, 27, 25, 26) AND `AlbumsProgrammeSection`.`album_id` = `Album`.`id`) WHERE `Album`.`enabled` = 1 4 4 0
34 SELECT `Intro`.*, `I18n__title`.`content`, `I18n__body`.`content` FROM `intros` AS `Intro` LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Intro`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Intro' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__body` ON (`Intro`.`id` = `I18n__body`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__body`.`model` = 'Intro' AND `I18n__body`.`field` = 'body') WHERE `Intro`.`model` = 'Programme' AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__body`.`locale` = 'eng' LIMIT 1 0 0 0
35 SELECT `Setting`.`id`, `Setting`.`website_name`, `Setting`.`website_url`, `Setting`.`logo_path`, `Setting`.`contact_form_email`, `Setting`.`orders_email`, `Setting`.`front_end_pagination_limit`, `Setting`.`back_end_pagination_limit`, `Setting`.`phone_1`, `Setting`.`phone_2`, `Setting`.`mobile`, `Setting`.`fax`, `Setting`.`email_address_1`, `Setting`.`email_address_2`, `Setting`.`address_line_1`, `Setting`.`address_line_2`, `Setting`.`city`, `Setting`.`state_province`, `Setting`.`country`, `Setting`.`business_hours`, `Setting`.`zip_postal_code`, `Setting`.`region`, `Setting`.`copyright` FROM `settings` AS `Setting` WHERE `Setting`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 1 1 0
36 SELECT `Programme`.*, `ProgrammeGroup`.*, `I18n__title`.`content`, `I18n__sections_title`.`content`, `I18n__mission_statement`.`content`, `I18n__description`.`content`, `Programme`.`id` FROM `programmes` AS `Programme` LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Programme`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Programme' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__sections_title` ON (`Programme`.`id` = `I18n__sections_title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__sections_title`.`model` = 'Programme' AND `I18n__sections_title`.`field` = 'sections_title') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__mission_statement` ON (`Programme`.`id` = `I18n__mission_statement`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__mission_statement`.`model` = 'Programme' AND `I18n__mission_statement`.`field` = 'mission_statement') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__description` ON (`Programme`.`id` = `I18n__description`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__description`.`model` = 'Programme' AND `I18n__description`.`field` = 'description') LEFT JOIN `programme_groups` AS `ProgrammeGroup` ON (`Programme`.`programme_group_id` = `ProgrammeGroup`.`id`) WHERE `Programme`.`enabled` = 1 AND `Programme`.`programme_group_id` = 3 AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__sections_title`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__mission_statement`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__description`.`locale` = 'eng' 6 6 0
37 SELECT `ProgrammeSection`.`id`, `ProgrammeSection`.`programme_id`, `ProgrammeSection`.`title`, `ProgrammeSection`.`description`, `ProgrammeSection`.`additional_resources`, `ProgrammeSection`.`main_photo_id`, `ProgrammeSection`.`logo_path` FROM `programme_sections` AS `ProgrammeSection` WHERE `ProgrammeSection`.`programme_id` IN (55, 54, 49, 50, 53, 52) 11 11 0
38 SELECT `Resource`.`id`, `Resource`.`description`, `Resource`.`title`, `Resource`.`resource_category_id`, `Resource`.`filepath`, `Resource`.`webpath`, `Resource`.`size`, `Resource`.`created`, `Resource`.`modified`, `Resource`.`dcount`, `Resource`.`filename`, `Resource`.`type`, `Resource`.`enabled`, `ProgrammesResource`.`id`, `ProgrammesResource`.`programme_id`, `ProgrammesResource`.`resource_id` FROM `resources` AS `Resource` JOIN `programmes_resources` AS `ProgrammesResource` ON (`ProgrammesResource`.`programme_id` IN (55, 54, 49, 50, 53, 52) AND `ProgrammesResource`.`resource_id` = `Resource`.`id`) WHERE `Resource`.`enabled` = 1 6 6 0
39 SELECT `Album`.`id`, `Album`.`title`, `Album`.`web-title`, `Album`.`description`, `Album`.`parent_id`, `Album`.`lft`, `Album`.`rght`, `Album`.`main_photo_id`, `Album`.`copyright`, `Album`.`enabled`, `Album`.`created`, `Album`.`modified`, `AlbumsProgramme`.`id`, `AlbumsProgramme`.`album_id`, `AlbumsProgramme`.`programme_id` FROM `albums` AS `Album` JOIN `albums_programmes` AS `AlbumsProgramme` ON (`AlbumsProgramme`.`programme_id` IN (55, 54, 49, 50, 53, 52) AND `AlbumsProgramme`.`album_id` = `Album`.`id`) WHERE `Album`.`enabled` = 1 5 5 0
40 DESCRIBE `press_releases` 14 14 1
41 SELECT `Intro`.*, `I18n__title`.`content`, `I18n__body`.`content` FROM `intros` AS `Intro` LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__title` ON (`Intro`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'Intro' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__body` ON (`Intro`.`id` = `I18n__body`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__body`.`model` = 'Intro' AND `I18n__body`.`field` = 'body') WHERE `Intro`.`model` = 'PressRelease' AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__body`.`locale` = 'eng' LIMIT 1 0 0 0
42 SELECT `Setting`.`id`, `Setting`.`website_name`, `Setting`.`website_url`, `Setting`.`logo_path`, `Setting`.`contact_form_email`, `Setting`.`orders_email`, `Setting`.`front_end_pagination_limit`, `Setting`.`back_end_pagination_limit`, `Setting`.`phone_1`, `Setting`.`phone_2`, `Setting`.`mobile`, `Setting`.`fax`, `Setting`.`email_address_1`, `Setting`.`email_address_2`, `Setting`.`address_line_1`, `Setting`.`address_line_2`, `Setting`.`city`, `Setting`.`state_province`, `Setting`.`country`, `Setting`.`business_hours`, `Setting`.`zip_postal_code`, `Setting`.`region`, `Setting`.`copyright` FROM `settings` AS `Setting` WHERE `Setting`.`id` = 1 LIMIT 1 1 1 0
43 SELECT `PressRelease`.*, `I18n__title`.`content`, `I18n__summary`.`content`, `I18n__body`.`content` FROM `press_releases` AS `PressRelease` LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__title` ON (`PressRelease`.`id` = `I18n__title`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__title`.`model` = 'PressRelease' AND `I18n__title`.`field` = 'title') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__summary` ON (`PressRelease`.`id` = `I18n__summary`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__summary`.`model` = 'PressRelease' AND `I18n__summary`.`field` = 'summary') LEFT JOIN `i18n` AS `I18n__body` ON (`PressRelease`.`id` = `I18n__body`.`foreign_key` AND `I18n__body`.`model` = 'PressRelease' AND `I18n__body`.`field` = 'body') WHERE `PressRelease`.`enabled` = 1 AND `I18n__title`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__summary`.`locale` = 'eng' AND `I18n__body`.`locale` = 'eng' ORDER BY `published` DESC, `id` DESC LIMIT 1 1 1 0